
The ultimate Revolt bot for maintaining a safe and clean server environment.

Prefix: @ChatFilter  |   Library: revkit   |   Votes: 3  |   Servers: N/A  |   Submitted: 6/21/2023

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  Cleo      Dwain   

<h1 id="this-bot-is-currently-in-beta">This bot is currently in beta</h1> <blockquote> <p>Please report any bugs you find to our support server.</p> </blockquote> <p>With its powerful filtering capabilities and customizable features, ChatFilter effortlessly detects and handles unwanted content. Create, edit, enable, disable, and delete filters to tailor the moderation system to your server&#39;s needs. Customize filter actions such as deleting messages, issuing warnings, or even kicking and banning users. Fine-tune your filters with precision, add channel or role overrides to allow exceptions, and receive comprehensive configuration details with ease. Keep your server secure and enjoyable by inviting ChatFilter today.</p>


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