<h3 id="hello-i-am-yagprb-a-general-purpose-revolt-bot-made-to-help-you-make-your-server-a-better-place">Hello, I am YAGPRB. A general purpose revolt bot made to help you make your server a better place!</h3>
<p>Some of me features are:</p>
<li>A customizable levelling system with level rewards!</li>
<li>The ability to make custom join/leave messages</li>
<li>A highlights system that notifies you whenever a message keyword is sent in chat</li>
<p>And even more. <a href="https://app.revolt.chat/bot/01HV5TBBZZQQ38N500NER52TRQ">Add me to your server</a> now and explore all my features!</p>